Taurai, born Taurai Kamfosi, is one talented Malawian female artist whose golden voice will leave your ears itching for more of her songs. By the age of 15, Taurai, already knew how to pluck bass guitar, beat drums and play keyboard. Taurai has spent her childhood as a member of Yoneco Children's Band. Through traveling with this band, she has come in touch with several established Malawian musicians. Taurai has also at some point associated with Millennium Sound Checks, a Zomba based musical band. Taurai went to South Africa in 2016 where she launched an album in the heart of Johanesburg. In 2017, she won a contract with Village Reach as it's celebrity to advance awareness campaign messages concerning Chipatala Cha Pa Foni (CCPF). In the same year she reworked Saint's Delilah song and released it's female version. Music is what defines the songbird Taurai.