Fuko lokondedwa


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Released February 2013
Format MP3
Type CD
Added on Wednesday, 06 February 2013
Genre Gospel
Edition date March 2013
Country Malawi
Label Independent
Catalog Number 2
Edition details Recorded and produced at Ralph Records by Ralph Ching'amba


According to Makondetsa the album is already out and is enjoying airplay in almost all the radio stations in the country.

“All the songs in this album are reggae songs because I am currently working with the black missionaries as a band,” said the Chileka born musician.

The new album contains a tribute to his late grandfather Robert Fumulani .

“I have done a song called Wagwa Mtengo which is a tribute to our grandfather who died in July this year, he was our mentor in music,” said Makondetsa.

The album which was recorded at Ralph Records is expected to be launched this month end as a Christmas gift to his fans whom he says have received the new album very well to his amazement.

The musician has 7 albums to his credit which include Tisatengeke, Kambelembele, Maonekedwe, Mfakamfaka, Ndilibe Mlandu, Mbumba ya Abraham and Fuko Lokondedwa.

Antony dedicates this cd to his late grand father Enock Robert Fumulani who passed away in July 2012.

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