

Genre : Hip Hop
City : Lilongwe
Country : Malawi


Born Alex Kachepa, Dizzo is a self-styled, rapper, singer, producer, song writer and entertainment entrepreneur. He is mostly well known for his vibrant blast on the scene back in 2009 with his massive radio hit "Dat body" which took the local youth radio scene by storm, and his video hit, "Dizzo baby", which was in heavy rotation on the then only television station in Malawi. Since then, the young artist has been steadily building his reputation as an artist and an entrepreneur on the local urban music scene.

Dizzo is the Co-founder of one of Lilongwe's elite recording house "One Five Records" and he is a well-known event organizer with his most recent accolade being organization of the big brother activation shows in 2012.

As a producer and artist, Dizzo has worked with various local acts including Dominant 1, Third Eye, Lillia, Pittie boys, Vitu K, Complex, Caly Bright, Thange and many more. With still no professional album to his name, he has managed to garner a strong following through his unique blend of local sound production, international content and versatile delivery styles.


My Struggle
# of songs : 1
Genre : Hip Hop
Year : 2016
Type : Single
Country : MW
The Life and Times EP
# of songs : 10
Genre : Hip Hop
Year : 2015
Type : Single
Country : MW
Talk About It EP
# of songs : 2
Genre : Hip Hop
Year : 2012
Type : Single
Country : MW

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