Don Dredah

Don Dredah

Genre : Afro-Dancehall
City : Lilongwe
Country : Malawi


Don Dredah Is a Malawian Afro-Dancehall artist based in Lilongwe. His real name Patrick phwetekere. Don Dredah started doing music in 2019 when he was staying in Zomba. Dredah has been a music lover since when he was a little kid, he liked listening to music appreciating other people's talent with the hope of becoming a musician doing his own music. Love of music its what motivated Don Dredah to start doing music, his aim in music game is to make a biggie brand and make music to entertain his fan. Don has released a new masterpiece tune titled Yahweh and he has featured Skylar and Koko.


# of songs : 1
Genre : Hip Hop
Year : 2024
Type : Single
Country : MW
# of songs : 1
Genre : Afrobeat
Year : 2023
Type : Single
Country : MW

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