The surfacing development of artists flooding the music industry has seen the comeback of another artist by the name of DNA. Real name Daniel Kaliwo, DNA, the 24 year old artist who currently stays in Lilongwe, is the last born in a family of six. He first made his debut in the year 2011 having released a number of hit singles with the likes of Young Kay and Maskal just to mention a few.
He now has resurfaced with a promo CD titled Mizizi which features 5 songs titled Mukandipepesele, Mwaaah Mwaaah, Londo, This girl can wind and Ndilore.
DNA believes that the purpose of Mizizi the promo is to diagnose the difficulties of modern liberal thought with the hope of restoring the desirable values of individualism combined with the sense of the moral values of community to show that the decline of the classical music market and the possessive quality of the individualism attending to it, the liberal theory of talent obligation has been destroyed. Furthermore that to get a valid theory of talent obligation without relying on any natural drive postulations, the individuals of society must be capable of seeing themselves as equal in some respects more fundamental than all respects in which they are unequal.