Geoffrey Zigoma

Geoffrey Zigoma

Genre : Local
City : Blantyre
Country : Malawi


Geoffrey Zigoma first got invovled in music by playing in a church choir. His first album Ndatherapano was a runaway success quickly turning Zigoma into a star in Malawi's music circles.

Zigoma has fashioned himself as an ambassador for all albino's in Malawi and is outspoken about the discrimination that he and others face.

People call me "mzungu" [white man] but I am not bitter about that. I think I inspire a lot of people like me here in Malawi and this in turn makes some of them work and try even harder. An albino can do anything. I wish you could see how talented I am when playing a keyboard. I challenge that even a normal man cannot easily compete with me in playing a keyboard.

Among his many inspirations, Zigoma singles out fellow albino musician, the Golden Voice of Africa, Malian Salif Keita as a hero.


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