Hanny Hunghi

Hanny Hunghi

Genre : Hip Hop
City : Glasgow
Country : Scotland


Born on july 14 1994 in Malawi,Southern Africa raised in Scotland UK, currently studying Music Business/Sound Engineering. Started collecting music at a very young age as he was interested in how instrumentals were made, In 2011 on he's trip to Tanzania he met a guy named Mesen Select who introduced him into beat making and recording ever since then he's been producing he's own music and have just released an Extended Playlist with 4 tracks titled Everybody's Gone To The Rapture which was produced by himself and Klimeks a popular band in USA and features malawi's Dominant one and a Londoner Artist DEZ. He is now working on further projects as a record producer and musician doing psychedelic rap/cloud rap/trap


# of songs : 4
Genre : Hip Hop
Year : 2015
Type : Single
Country : MW

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