Nice Nakharari

Nice Nakharari

Genre : Gospel
City : Lilongwe
Country : Malawi


Nice Nakharari, formerly known as Rex Chisoni, was born on July 7, 1982, in Thikera village, Phalombe District. His parents were both teachers, instilling in him a deep love for learning. Nice is the seventh of ten children, with a strong musical lineage, as all five of his brothers are musicians. He studied General Fitting (Mechanical Engineering) at Lilongwe Technical College and has extensive experience in production and maintenance. Nice is an ardent Adventist, deeply committed to his faith and cultural heritage. His musical journey began at 16, and he recorded his first songs at 20. In 2008, he recorded notable tracks like "Sizinamtole" and "With my Father" at MC Studio. Nice's debut album, "Comfort my People," features collaborations with several talented artists and his own children. He is currently working on a new album titled "Comfort Them," inspired by Isaiah 40:1. Nice's music blends genres such as Reggae, country & western, jazz, and orchestra, reflecting his diverse influences and creative spirit.


Comfort My People
# of songs : 11
Genre : Gospel
Year : 2024
Type : Single
Country : MW

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