Besides the stories in the papers concerning Piksy's relationship with his old record label and management company, Piksy aka Chinfana Chodziwika Ndi Boma (#CCNB) is back with a brand new singles and a new album on the way. Piksy, who is currently Airtel Malawi Brand Ambassador got together with legendary beat maker and producer Tapps Bandawe to bring you this appetiser for from the upcoming album, the song is titled "Around" which talks about Piksy taking his "companion" and fans around Africa, mentioning a few places that makes Africa such a great continent. Also in the same track not forgetting coming home back to Malawi, whereby Piksy says the best is here in Malawi mentioning places like Lake Malawi, Mulanje mountain, Cape MacClear and a few national parks around the country.
At this time in Piksy career you wouldn't expect the artist to make anything less than good music, this song is a must have. The production is superb and the lyrics are catchy and excellent. Enjoy the new song from Pisky.