Patrick Lupiya is a Malawian musician from migowi Phalombe district. He is also known as njobvu ya phalombe. He started his music career in early 1999 as serious business. In 1999, Lupiya released his album titled Mtembomwayi at IY studio and Olemera Musadandandaule as his first contribution to music industry with Thandizani band in Phalombe, led by Him.
later on , Lupiya went to Blantyre music school to study music for 3 years,with the influence of D. Kachamba teacher at Amdiamo secondary school in Balaka.
In 2003, Lupiya recorded a single titled kumanda kulibe udindo at IY studios and thats when name he got the name Njobvu Ya Phalombe.
Lupiya recognizes Mr Chandiwira Chisi who finished the whole work including promotion of his album and Sorry mama, Akwaipa, and Mwaraka Nambewe were the popular songs.
In 2006 Patrick Lupiya record another album titled Yolemera ndi Infa which consist hit songs like Mabanja, Mutikumbukire, Yolemera ndi Infa and Chikhristu ndi choncho. In the same year, Lupiya joined Zembani band up to 2009 where he got the pleasures of sharing stage with Lucius Banda, Limbani Banda, Anthony Makondetsa, KMillian, Jack Kamwendo, Ethel Kamwendo , Charles Nsaku, Stonard Lungu Kelvin Maigwa and many other big names in Malawi music industry. His music contribution of Chikondi in Mulungu Simunthu Collection released in 2008 it moved many hearts of Malawians. In this collection he had a chance to meet Charles Nsaku, Coss Chiwalo, Subiri, Liwotcha,Innocent Banda Rod Valamanja.Then, he recorded two songs kudzigulira Malo and Anyamata Ofewa. Lupiya shot a DVD which includes songs like Yolemera ndi Imfa, Mabanja, Sorry Mama, umbombo, Chikhristu ndichoncho? Anyamata Ofewa, Mlimi, kudzigulira malo and others, Kudzugulira malo and Chikondi is already on YouTube. Lupiya abandoned Zembani Band and joined Alleluya Band to work with Coss and Subiri. Patrick Lupiya he is now a business man,voice is what he prefers most though he is guitarist and THIS 2023 he has released a new new album titled Truck Yamchenga Samanga