Ruth Kulaisi - As I am (In The Secret Place)

Ruth Kulaisi

As I am (In The Secret Place)

Album name : As I am (In The Secret Place)
Artist name : Ruth Kulaisi
Genre : Gospel

Label : Independent
Year : 2012

Review :

Despite the fact Ruth prefers Jazz as a genre, RnB is the dominant genre in the album - a genre that she handles quire admirably! There's no question.. Ruth Kulaisi has a powerful voice and coupled with great song writing & singing, her music is bound to be the kind of music you call "timeless". You will notice that the album has no collaborations, a rare feat in today's music scene. They say "the best art is that which pours out of life as is." True to that thought, her writing in this album stems from her own life, experiences and her reliance on and in God to see her through whatever came her way. The songs in the album are not just Ruth worshipping her way through life, but are also go ahead and touch on what many if not most go through albeit in different areas or perspectives. A song like "Scars", which as Ruth herself tells me was born out of a hurtful time in her life is one that anyone can relate to and definitely draw strength from. The song is, to put it plainly, a prayer of a hurting soul seeking refuge and help from the Almighty. "Glory To God" was born out of her sharing the story of her life while "Unconditional" is an acknowledgement of God as the only one who was able to heal and make her whole. In summary, in her own words "the album was me sharing the Secret Place... my Secret Place and chats with God... My pain, my story and the victory and love I found in God." That is actually the best description of what the album is about.


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