Maxwell Ndhlazi aka Real Max is from Chanunkha Village T/A M'mbelwa Mzimba District. He was born on 7th July 1990. He did his primary school at Mzimba LEA, Kavitowo Primary and Chitipa CCAP Primary School, then Secondary school at Mphongo CDSS, Nkhamenya secondary school and Mzimba secondary school where he obtained his Malawi School Certificate of Education in 2009.
In 2010 he joined Holy Cross Pentecostal Church where he was a keyboardist of the praise team and that's when his music Career started off. In 2012 he started working in Studios and on 15th January 2015 he record 2 singles at One Heart Studios by Lloyd Phiri. He is currently working at Malawi Police Service which he joined in 2014. Currently residing in Likuni, Lilongwe, Malawi.