REAL NIJO is a Gospel Afro Musician, He joined music industry in the year 2014 and in 2015 he was chosen to be an Artist of the year at MZUZU TECHNICAL COLLEGE,he represented MZUZU TECHNCAL at MZUZU UNIVERSITY where there was KUPHAKA LIFE weekend sponsored by coca cola where there were Big Secular artists like NEP MAN and BlACK JACK. REAL NIJO was born in the family of Mr & Mrs Chipeta where there are three children and he is the first born in this family, His real name is: JOHN CHIPETA.He did his primary school in Rumphi district at CHIRAMBO primary school then he moved to EKWENDEN CDSS before EUTHINI SECONDARY SCHOOL where he did his form 4 secondary education, from there he want to MZUZU TECHNICAL COLLEGE where he did his first year in ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ENGINEERING. Now he is doing his third year class at MIRACLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE in KARONGA