Tay Grin - Our Way

Tay Grin

Our Way

Album name : Our Way
Artist name : Tay Grin
Genre : Afrobeat

Label : Black Rhyno
Year : 2012

Review :

After a moment of silence (which was quite a long one) The Nyau King is back! Keeping the basics of the origin of hip hop (though we all know he is an afro-hop star blending hip hop and generic culture music). The Nyau King samples /revamps an old time local classic of which we all love to love "Chinafuna M'mbale" done by the legendary Lucky Stars. You can still grasp a touch of the original version but now with Tay Grin filling in his 16 bars of flow creating the track called "Our Way".


1 . Our Way (Chinafuna Mbale)

2 . Open note

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