Tripple Kay

Tripple Kay

Genre : Hip Hop
City : Blantyre
Country : Malawi


Tripple Kay is a rapper who's birth name is Khama Kamthunzi and was born on 3rd February,1993 at Ntcheu District Hospital. He is a last born in a family of two. Tripple Kay as a kid had passion for music, they could make tin band with his brother and compose songs and sometimes they lip sink on music they listened to on their family radio. This passion grew so that when he grew he started singing with his fellow friends and as time passed they formed a music crew called Culminate which had three members in it and they only did few songs then crew ended due to some reasons. In 2009 Tripple Kay recorded his first single and after that many songs followed and there was improvement in every song. In year 2013 was first time his single was played on the radio which was "so gone ft Gd and Excess" and many songs then followed which featured music gurus of Malawian urban music cycles with the likes of Gd,Excess, Tuno, Bucci, Eddie. This year he dropped a mix-tape which was called "Sindidzatha". The Mixtape" which contained the message of struggle, freedom and success which young people face to catch their dreams. To check for updates on his music you can follow him on Twitter @Tripplekay_uja or Facebook: Mw Tripple kay. He is now working on an EP which is tilted EXPECTATIONS & OUTCOMES which has five tracks including Timve ft Tuno and Young n Free which are first releases of the EP.


# of songs : 1
Genre : Hip Hop
Year : 2017
Type : Single
Country : MW
# of songs : 1
Genre : RnB
Year : 2017
Type : Single
Country : MW
# of songs : 3
Genre : Hip Hop
Year : 2015
Type : Mixtape
Country : MW

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