Velem Chunga

Velem Chunga

Genre : Afrobeat
City : Lilongwe
Country : Malawi


His name Velem Chunga, and was born on 24 February 1996 T/A Dzoole in Dowa district in a family of eight children, He is the second in the family but first born son. He grew up in Lilongwe, He started school at the age of seven at Ngwenya Primary School. He's done his school not as much as it was supposed to be, because of financial problems his parents didn't manage to pay me school fees. Looking that dropping off school will make my life difficult in the future, he ecided to start a Simple business. Because of lack of capital he tarted collecting empty bottles of water and oil and sell them in shops. After finding Small capital,He started selling plastic bags/ majumbo in Lilongwe town, After selling plastic bags for a year, he started selling disks, phone chargers and cables, In doing all these things he didn't forget what God have given me, that's talent, composing song and singing, My mother Assisted me and encouraged me that he should not give up singing, she wanted that the message should assist other people and encourage them Because of the tough times he's been passing through, made me compose many songs The first songs he compose was ( UDZATILILIRA IWE and ANDIGWIRE DZANJA NDANI) The massages in these songs was all about giving advice to others that they should pay attention to guardians What they tell them and that they should use the chance that they have so that they should not regret tomorrow and this message should also go to the whole world. He thanks the Lord for giving him this talent and wisdom, reaching this far it was not a simple game, Thanks


# of songs : 1
Genre : AfroNyasa
Year : 2025
Type : Single
Country : MW
Andigwile Dzanja Ndani
# of songs : 1
Genre : Local
Year : 2024
Type : Single
Country : MW

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