

Genre : Afrobeat
City : Mzuzu
Country : Malawi


Name: Eunice Msoma Stage Name: Yunnie Managed By: Djlangie Beats Location: Mzuzu, Malawi Biography: Yunnie, born Eunice Msoma, is a rising star in the Malawian music scene. At a young age, she has impressed many with her dynamic performances and deep love for music. Currently balancing her music career with her primary school studies, Yunnie has already made a name for herself. Her musical journey started at the age of four, performing cover songs despite struggling with pronunciation. By nine, Yunnie showcased her growth with a notable mash-up of "Mtendere" songs by Namadingo, Driemo, and Paul Banda. Yunnie has recorded several songs, and with the help of generous supporters, these will soon be available with videos. Despite her success, Yunnie remains focused on her education, ensuring she never misses school because of her music. For her, music is a joyful exploration, reflecting her incredible potential both as a student and an artist.


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# of songs : 1
Genre : Dancehall
Year : 2024
Type : Single
Country : MW
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Genre : Afrobeat
Year : 2024
Type : Single
Country : MW

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